Friday, November 8, 2019

Role of Teachers in Digital Learning Era

Role of Teachers in Digital Learning Era

Image result for digital learning

What are the emerging trends in educational technology?

With technology growing as fast as it is, there are hundreds of great options for integrating it into the classroom. Some of the emerging technologies that have caught a lot of attention are so follows:

  • Genius Hour 
    • One hour dedicated to an educational project of the students' choosing.  It is used to motivate students and increase engagement.  Genius hour can be setup and monitored by requiring students to keep logs of their learning, and the projects they put together.  
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
    • A term for all of the devices we use that connect to the internet.  They range from wearable devices (smart watches, VR headsets, etc.) to classroom technology (augmented reality).
  • Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
    • Teaching students to process and imagine emotions.  Focus is often put on positive goal setting, building relationships, and showing empathy. 
    • While this might not always involve the use of technology, I think it is extremely important that in an age of less face-to-face interactions, we explicitly teach social skills.  

How do they reshape the culture of learning and teaching?

Emerging trends reshape the culture of learning and teaching because it challenges relationships to shift in the classroom.  Traditionally teachers would lecture at the front of the room, and students would listen then be expected to ask questions.  With emerging trends there is more engagement expected from all students, and many of this is via technology.  For example, with the internet of things, students can have their own devices that they use to respond to questions, or practice skills with in increments.  Genius hours and the internet allows them to do more research, and make meaning, rather than being given information.  SEL puts relationships, social time, and positivity as a prerequisite to success in the classroom.  All of these shift the culture of a classroom from knowledge transfer, to a community of learners.  

What is the role of teachers in an era of digital learning? 

With new technology and mindsets of learning in the classroom, teachers are becoming facilitators of learning.  Explicit instruction is still required, but not all of the time.  With information being readily available anywhere, it is common for students to be expected to interact with content at home, and come to school ready for reinforcement (flipped classrooms).  Students are able to work on skills in which they are given immediate feedback in online formats, while teachers are working with smaller groups of students.  With VR technology, students are more engaged and experiencing scenarios/settings thus boosting engagement during instruction times.

With a world full of information, it is crucial that teachers focus on digital literacy and digital citizenship.  Students must learn to think about the information in front of them, and determine what is real and what is fake.  What is a trusted source, and what is incorrect information?  How does empathy change when you are not interacting with someone face to face?  This is where teachers are going to be doing the most facilitating.  Genius hour should be encouraged, but monitored and guided to ensure that students are not developing misconceptions or gathering incorrect information.  


  1. I really appreciate your focus on different trends such as Genius Hour and SEL. It makes sense to give students reflection time or creative time as it allows students to take more ownership of their learning process. Your focus on digital literacy and digital citizenship is also a great key point. Some students may need explicit guidance on these subjects and guidance once they reach a level of literacy and development.

  2. I agree with what you said about the role of teachers in the era of digital learning. Teachers do play more of a facilitator role in the classroom and digital literacy is becoming more important.

  3. I completely agree with everything you wrote in your blog entry, but I particularly appreciate the last paragraph the most. I, too, think students, espeically at the elemntary and middle school levels need guidance and monitoring of online research to help determine bias, opinions and evalute accuracy. Additionaly, I believe, as well, that students need guidance now more than ever to understand empathy and read emotions both online and even more importantly in the real world. Reading and understanding emotions in the real world is becoming more difficulat for our digitally-focused young people.


Role of Teachers in Digital Learning Era

Role of Teachers in Digital Learning Era What are the emerging trends in educational technology? With technology growing as ...